Vol. 26 No. 2 (2005)
Research articles

Genesis y evolucion historico-juridica de la beneficencia y atencion a los invidentes en españa

Juan Francisco Perez Galvez
Universidad de Almería

How to Cite

Perez Galvez, J. F. (2010). Genesis y evolucion historico-juridica de la beneficencia y atencion a los invidentes en españa. Revista De Derecho - Pontificia Universidad Católica De Valparaíso, 26(2). Retrieved from https://www.rdpucv.cl/index.php/rderecho/article/view/610


Different historical references show evidence that, during the 20th century, the State granted some charitable organizations the privilege to exploit specific lotteries (or raffles) that soon became the main resource of these institutions. In 1882, the first legal organization for the blind was established in Madrid, after the breaking up of the Hermandad “Esperanza y Fe” [Fraternity “Hope and Faith].” A few years later, in 1894, former Colegio Nacional [National School] students established the Centro Instructivo y Protector de Ciegos [Instructional and Protective Center for the Blind], also in Madrid. Later on, a trust which underwent several reforms was established, but this model failed mainly because of two factors: first, a wrong initial approach and, second, the lack of agreement between what was offered to the blind and what they actually needed. On February 21st, 1936, a proposal was submitted to the government, where the sale of a pro-blind throughout the national territory, as an-efficient means to solve the unstable -economic situation of this group of people. This proposal was steadily improved until -the Decree of December 13th, 1938, finally gave birth to the Organización Nacional deCiegos de España (ONCE) [Spanish National Organization for the Blind].