Vol. 26 No. 1 (2005)
Research articles

El iluminismo penal en la obra de manuel de rivacoba

Jean-Pierre Matus Acuña
Universidad de Talca

How to Cite

Matus Acuña, J.-P. (2010). El iluminismo penal en la obra de manuel de rivacoba. Revista De Derecho - Pontificia Universidad Católica De Valparaíso, 26(1). Retrieved from https://www.rdpucv.cl/index.php/rderecho/article/view/566


In a scenario where Chile’s crime rates are increasing, an empirical analysis helps look at whether factors considered the originators of the decrease in crime in North American discussion (Levitt, 2004) are present and, if so, to what extent. This research helps support the hypothesis that most of the factors associated with the movements in crime rates in the United States (1) are not idiosyncratic; (2) cause similar effects in Chile; and (3) are also generally valid in Chilean reality according to their hierarchy. In this way, the 1970-1990 rocketing rate of illegitimate children born to single, under 24-years-of-age, mothers bears on the increase in crime rates. To a lesser extent, the drop in police contingent/ 100 thousand inhabitant ratio has its effects as well. In an ambiguous way, the economic performance, translated into variations in unemployment rates, also has an influence. Instead, the abolition of the death penalty, the Arms Control Act, the demographic changes, the new police strategies, and the number of imprisoned convicts have some bearing or very little influence on the issue. Factors considered solely idiosyncratic are those pertaining to the laws that permit the carrying of arms and the end of the crack epidemics. Finally, based on the conclusions, public policies are suggested.