No. 25 (2004)
Research articles

La servidumbre legal minera de ocupacion de predios superficiales por canales y cañerias de agua. notas sobre un conflicto normativo

Ivan Mauricio Obando Camino
Universidad de Talca

How to Cite

Obando Camino, I. M. (2010). La servidumbre legal minera de ocupacion de predios superficiales por canales y cañerias de agua. notas sobre un conflicto normativo. Revista De Derecho - Pontificia Universidad Católica De Valparaíso, (25). Retrieved from


This article analyzes a Chilean law conflict between the 1983 Mining Law Code and the 1981 Water Law Code concerning the legal provisions that must rule the establishment and exercise of a mining easement for the occupation of superficial servient estates with water channels and pipes. After reviewing both the different laws enacted from 1818 on concerning those subjects and the respective legal doctrine, the author proposes an interpretation to solve that conflict which asserts that the 1983 Mining Law Code rules the aforementioned subjects.