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Author Guidelines

  1. Contributors to Revista de Derecho de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso must observe the editorial standards described below for the first submission of their papers. Otherwise, the editor-in-chief may either return the text to its author for adaptation to these guidelines or agree that the manuscript accepted for publication will be adapted to these standards; however, this always entails the risk of error, which authors will avoid if their manuscripts are previously adapted to comply with the guidelines.
  2. Together with the original copy of their work, the author must submit the copyright assignment form, available at the following link [download form]. Please fill in the form, keep it and upload it at step 2 (Upload), selecting the type of file "Copyright assignment", during the process of submitting your document to our journal.
  3. Papers must be submitted written in English or Spanish, exclusively by means of this online manuscript management platform in an MS Word file, typed in single-line spacing, with no spaces between paragraphs (or, after periods), with footnotes, all in Garamond font, size 12 for the text and 10 for the footnotes. Manuscripts must be submitted in letter format, with upper and lower margins of 2.5 cm and left and right margins of 3 cm. 
  4. Revista de Derecho will acknowledge receipt of the manuscripts. This receipt does not imply that the manuscript complies with the formal and material requirements needed for submission to the editorial process. At the applicant's request, the Revista may confirm that a manuscript has been received and admitted to the editorial process, without making any presumptions about its acceptance or rejection at the end of this process. 
  5. All articles submitted for publication must include an Abstract, i.e., in English and Spanish, explicitly referring to the following parts, notwithstanding any other aspects of the investigation that the author may wish to mention: Main goal, Methodology, Main result. The Abstract may not exceed 200 words. Example: The main goal of this article is to examine the most important approaches adopted by national case law, in relation to financial compensation, in the last decade. The method used has consisted in the compilation of 100 decisions of the Supreme Court. These rulings have been examined in the light of the national civil doctrine, especially the doctrine that has been positioning itself as the dominant one, but not exclusively. The main result of this work has been the observation of a jurisprudential line, etc. Manuscripts must also be accompanied by three to five Key words in English and Spanish. They must also provide a translation of the title into Spanish, or into English if the paper is originally written in Spanish. The Revista reserves the right to change the key words if, in its opinion, this is necessary to improve the description of the content of the article or increase its impact. Finally, where it helps to better understand the content of the work, we suggest also including a graphical abstract.
  6. Reviews must include, at the start, the surnames and first name of the author of the work that is being reviewed, as well as the year of its publication, title, city, publisher and number of pages. Similarly, case law commentaries must indicate, at the beginning of the text, the decision being commented on, the court that issued it, the date and case number. It is important to note that it is not allowed to use full names of the parties in criminal, family and employment cases and any other cases that are particularly sensitive. In these circumstances, the parties must be identified by their initials. This rule must also be applied to other papers submitted to the Revista
  7. Manuscripts submitted to the Journal must not contain any gender bias or stereotypes about people, their abilities, attitudes and relationships.
  8. Papers should include the author's name and a summary of his or her curricular background detailing the highest academic degree held, academic affiliation, e-mail address and ORCID number. Information must also be provided on whether the work forms part of a research project, and if so, give details of this work. This information must accompany the paper in English and Spanish.
  9. If technology associated with AI (artificial intelligence) has been used in the preparation of a paper, this must be expressly stated in the text, except when basic tools have been used to check grammar, spelling, references, etc. In any case, AI cannot be used to replace the author's own work (for example, in relation to the integrity and accuracy of the information, approval of the final version of the work, among others). Use of these technologies is always under the exclusive responsibility and control of the authors.
  10. Research articles may not exceed 15,000 words. The maximum length allowed for case law commentaries is 5,000 words. Finally, reviews may not exceed 2,500 words. These limits include footnotes and the bibliography. 
  11. Papers should be divided into sections numbered with Roman numerals, with headings centered and separated from the body of their discourse (I. II. III., etc.). This may be subdivided again into paragraphs marked with Arabic numerals, followed by a period (1. 2. 3. etc.). When new subdivisions are used inside the paragraphs, each one must be marked by lower case letters with just a closing parenthesis [a) b) c), etc.]. The following numbering method must never be used: 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3, etc. For numbering inside the discourse, lower case Roman numerals should be used followed by just a closing parenthesis [i) ii) iii) etc.]. We recommend that you do not subdivide the work excessively, considering three-level division to be normal and acceptable.
  12. Titles will always be in small caps (block letters with capitals following the general grammatical rules, for example, initials or proper nouns, and the rest in lower case). First level subtitles are in normal size upper case letters (12) centered and preceded by the respective Roman numeral. Second level subtitles are in italic letters, normal size (12) justified (or left aligned), preceded by the respective Arabic numerals followed by a period (1.). In this last case, the numbering restarts in the next first level subtitle. 
  13. Revista de Derecho uses an indent in the first line following each period. However, an indent is not used in the first line throughout the work or in the first line following a first level subtitle. An indent is used in the first line following a second level subtitle. It is also used in the first line of a paragraph that does not have a subtitle, but that does have numbering or letters.
  14. Italics are used to highlight a word or clause in the paper or its quotes. Italics are also used for the transcription of texts from sources (e.g., articles from a code, law, decree or international treaty or a paragraph from a decision) and for words in languages other than English. In general, texts transcribed of the law, when they are sentences or paragraphs, will be enclosed in quotation marks. The use of bold or underlining is not accepted.
  15. Adornments, numbers preceded by a hyphen (or any other sign) and spaces should be avoided. Authors should remember that any elements that are unnecessary according to these guidelines will be removed during the editing process. 
  16. All papers must include at the end, under the heading "Cited Bibliography", a list in alphabetical order by the authors' first surname, of the books, monographs, articles, published collections of sources, etc. used in its preparation, which must correspond with the works cited in the footnotes. We hope that the authors will use a pertinent, updated and, as far as possible peer-reviewed, bibliography (e.g., books with an editorial committee, articles published in WoS journals, Scopus, SciELO or other indexes of recognized prestige).

    In references to books the following must be especially observed:

    • the authors' surnames must be written in upper and lower case and not all in UPPER CASE;
    • following the author's name, which must be in Roman, the year of publication must be given between parentheses, followed by a colon;
    • the title should be written in italics;
    • details of the city, publishing house, whether it is a first or second edition, as well as a translation, must be included inside the parentheses;
    • the issue number or volume must be indicated before the parentheses containing the editorial information;
    • if no year is given for the work, this should be replaced by s.d. [= "sine die"]; and when no place of publication is provided, this should be replaced with s.l. [= "sine loco"];
    • if two or more works by the same author are published in the same year, they must be differentiated by adding a lower case letter following the year of publication. Example: Dworkin (2006a) and Dworkin (2006b).

    Below we give you some examples, also including the abbreviated form of the bibliographic citations, which must appear in the paper's footnotes. In this regard, authors should remember that the use of the expressions op. cit, idem, ibidem or other similar expressions are not allowed, so the full abbreviated citations must always be used. The footnote call numbers must appear before the period.

    • Guzmán Brito, Alejandro (2005): De las donaciones entre vivos (Santiago, LexisNexis).

    Guzmán (2005), p. 55.

    • Guzmán Brito, Alejandro (2013): Derecho privado romano, Vol. II (Santiago, Thomson Reuters, second edition).

    Guzmán (2013) Vol. II, p. 76.

    • Carnelutti, Francesco (1955): La prueba civil (Buenos Aires, Arayú, third edition, translation by N. Alcalá-Zamora).

    Carnelutti (1955), pp. 15-17.

    • Roxin, Claus and Greco, Luis (2020): Strafrecht. Allgemeiner Teil, Vol. I (Munich, Beck, fifth edition).

    Roxin and Greco (2020) Vol. I, pp. 87-89.

    • Mazeaud, Henri and Léon, Mazeaud, Jean and Chabas, François (1999): Leçons de Droit Civil. Successions-Liberalités (Paris, Montchrestien, fifth edition).

    Mazeaud et al. (1999), p. 67.

    book chapter should be referenced as follows:

    • Meira, Silvio (1999): "Pedro II e as grandes codificações imperiais. Um novo Justiniano", in: Bravo Lira, Bernardino and Concha Márquez de la Plata, Sergio (editors), Codificación y descodificación en Hispanoamérica (Santiago, Universidad Santo Tomás), pp. 77-92.

    Meira (1999), p. 79.

    Articles in journals should be referenced as follows:

    • Messineo, Francesco (1966): "Accordo simulatorio e dissimulazione di contrato", in: Rivista di Diritto Civile, Vol. 12, No. 1: pp. 241-254.

    Messineo (1966), p. 248.

    References to articles in journals exclusively in electronic format, must include the corresponding DOI:

    • Ienca, Marcello and Andorno, Roberto (2017): "Towards new human rights in the age of neuroscience and neurotechnology", in: Life Sciences, Society and Policy, vol. 13, No. 5: [DOI: 10.1186/s40504-017-0050-1].

    Ienca and Andorno (2017), p. 9.

    References to dissertations or theses, must be made as follows:

    • Alessandri Rodríguez, Fernando (1919): La hipoteca en la legislación chilena. Dissertation for Degree in the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the Universidad de Chile.

    Alessandri (1919), p. 10.

    In general, we suggest avoiding the citation of news and articles in electronic format. If this is strictly necessary, the following rules must be followed:

    San Martín (2023).

    Finally, for references to websites, and electronic books and documents, please consult the following examples:

    • Tribunal de Defensa de la Libre Competencia (website), Definiciones estratégicas. Available at: [date accessed: 11.4.2023].

    Tribunal de Defensa de la Libre Competencia, Definiciones estratégicas (website).

    • Doneff, Andrea and Ordover, Abraham (2014): Alternatives to Litigation. Mediation, arbitration, and the art of dispute resolution (s.l., National Institute for Trial Advocacy, third edition) Kindle Edition.

    Doneff and Ordover (2014), 2.1, paragraph 1.

    Financial Action Task Force (2019), p. 6.

  17. Authors must also include a list of the case law cited in the work. The decisions must be ordered according to the court where they were issued and their date of issue. For Chilean decisions, the following information must be provided: the court that issued it, the date, the case number, RUC and RIT, as relevant. If the judgment is available in a printed collection or database, this must be noted with the source where it can be found. Below we give you some examples, also including the abbreviated form of the citations, which must appear in the footnotes:

    • Supreme Court, 3 February 2020, Rol Nº4523-2019, in: Thomson Westlaw CL/JUR/9995/2020.

    Supreme Court, 3 February, 2020, case no. 4523-2019.

    • Supreme Court, 24 September, 2019, Rol Nº 35722-2017, in: Base Jurisprudencial del Poder Judicial.

    Supreme Court, 24 September, 2019, case no. 35722-2017.

    • Supreme Court, 5 October 1906, in: Revista de Derecho y Jurisprudencia, vol. IV, sec. 1, pp. 225-229.

    Supreme Court, 5 October 1906, p. 227.

  18. For foreign or international case law, the referencing system to be used is that used by the courts and tribunals where the judgment was issued. Below, we give some examples:

    • International Court of Human Rights, Mayagna (Sumo) Awas Tingni Community v. Nicaragua, 31 August, 2001.
    • Whalen v. Roe, 429 U.S. 589 (1977).
    • Constitutional Court of Colombia, M.P. Ciro Angarita Barón, Judgment T–406, 1992.
    • Supreme Court, 12 November, 2014, Nº 3349/2013. 

  19. Finally, a list must be included with any norms and other official documents actually cited in the work. Below we give you some examples, also including the abbreviated form which must be used for the citations in the footnotes:

    • Political Constitution of the Republic, Chile (11.8.1980).

    Chile, Political Constitution of the Republic.

    • Commercial Code, Chile (s.d.)

    Chile, Commercial Code.

    • Criminal Procedure Code, Chile (12.10.2000)

    Chile, Criminal Procedure Code.

    • Law Nº 21.521, Chile (4.1.2023), promotes competition and financial inclusion through innovation and technology in the provision of financial services, Fintec Law.

    Chile, Law Nº 21.521.

    • Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, Decree No. 105, Chile (10.1.2022) approves regulations governing the matters referred to in Article 6 of Law Nº 21.334, on determining the order of surnames by agreement of the parents.

    Chile, Decree Nº 105.

    • European Union Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council, (23.10.2019) on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union Law. OJEU L305/17, 26.11.2019.

    Union European, Directive (EU) 2019/1937.

    • Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (23.05.1969)

    Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.

    • United Nations, General Assembly, Report of the Working Group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises on the "Third regional Consultation for Latin America and the Caribbean: Implementation of the Guiding Principles of the United Nations on Corporations and Human Rights, within the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, A/HRC/38/48/Add.3 (4.6.2018).

    United Nations, General Assembly, A/HRC/38/48/Add.3.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by it and will not be available for any other purpose or person.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The manuscript strictly complies with the ethical norms of the Revista de Derecho
  • The paper submitted for publication includes an abstract of no more than 200 words, in English and Spanish.
  • The work is sent in Microsoft Word format and does not exceed the required number of words (please see section III) .
  • The bibliographic references and citations are in the form indicated in the Guidelines for authors.
  • I have the copyright assignment document, obtained from the Guidelines for authors, that I will send together with the manuscript, at step 2 when submitting my manuscript through this platform.
  • The document submitted fully complies with the Revista de Derecho Guidelines for authors. If it does not, the editor-in-chief may reject or return the manuscript to the author and request that they adjust it comply with the standards to be considered for possible publication.