Peer Review process

All papers received for publication will be initially reviewed by the editor-in-chief. This review is designed to check that the subject-matter of the manuscript corresponds to the scientific disciplines published by the Revista and to issue a preliminary opinion on the original research character attributable to the text, as well as on its quality, possible impact and alignment with the Revista de Derecho Guidelines for Authors .

In order for a work to be accepted into the evaluation process, the author must hold, as a minimum, an academic Bachelor's degree or equivalent.

If the work is considered to be admissible, it will be forwarded for analysis to specialists. Research articles must receive a positive assessment from two reviewers in order to be published. Case law commentaries and reviews must receive a positive verdict from one reviewer. If an author is a professor affiliated to the School of Law of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, the reviews will obligatorily be carried out by reviewers outside this academic department.

Specialists must carry out their reviews based on the guidelines available on the journal's platform. The reviews will be carried out under the double blind modality, except in the case of thematic issues where, exceptionally, single-blind reviews may be admitted.

If the Revista notifies the author that they need to introduce changes, the author will have four weeks to implement these changes, after which time, if they do not resubmit their work including the changes, it will be understood that they have chosen not to do so. In this case, the Revista de Derecho will decide on the rejection and filing of the manuscript.

Based on the aforementioned reports and, where applicable, any changes made, the editor-in-chief will make a final decision on whether to publish or reject the proposed manuscript.

The Revista reserves the right to decide on the volume and specific number in which the paper will be published.

The time between receiving the manuscript and notifying the author of the final decision will be no longer than six months. This period of time may be extended if the authors delay making the changes requested by the Revista’s editorial team.

When the work has been approved for publication, it will enter the editing process, whose stages are: adjustment of the format to comply with the guidelines for authors, in all its aspects; text layout in the publishing house; publication on the website of the Revista and distribution to the various indexes to which the publication belongs, as well as its inclusion in the Revista’s browsers and social networks.

- Reviewers list